Power of your Vote!

Today’s presidential elections loom just two years from now.  In many states, there are numerous races to fill legislative office in the Senate/House of Representatives, Mayoral races and City Council spots.  For many people, it seems to be repetitive seeing the election ads on TV, in the newspapers, hearing it on the radio and even now, you can see candidates pitching their campaigns on Facebook, YouTube and Twitter.

One mustn’t forget that as Americans, we do have a duty to step forward and exercise our rights.  One of those rights, which many others died for over the years in numerous conflicts over the globe, is voting.  Setting aside any agenda that one individual or an organization may have when trying to influence the American public, one must consider the power of voting.  Voting has given us a functioning democracy, which at times could be debated to the relative efficacy of politics today, there is no doubt this right has given us enormous sway and power in respect to self-determination.

While looking to register myself and my wife here in Hawaii, I found a great resource that helps you find out how to register to vote in your state.  Check it out here at: http://www.presidentialelection.com/students/wiki/index.php/Category:Register_to_Vote

Please don’t forget, even though it doesn’t seem like it, that your vote is a power invested in you by the U. S. Constitution and that it does make a difference in your future and America’s.  The voting polls do not distinguish whether or not you are deaf, each American counts as 1 vote!

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